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5 Mandatory Tourism Standards That Will Make Your Business Boom!

5 Mandatory Tourism Standards That Will Make Your Business Boom!
5 Mandatory Tourism Standards That Will Make Your Business Boom!

5 Mandatory Tourism Standards That Will Make Your Business Flourish! What are the standards? Let's find out until the end of this review.

Indonesia is a country rich in natural beauty and culture. This makes Indonesia one of the favorite tourist destinations in the world. Every year, millions of tourists from various countries visit Indonesia to enjoy its natural beauty and culture.

With the large number of tourists visiting Indonesia, the business opportunities in the tourism sector are also increasingly wide open. However, in order to compete with other tourism businesses, tourism businesses must meet the established standards.

Here are the 5 mandatory tourism standards that must be met by tourism businesses to make their businesses flourish:

1. Tourism Business Permit

A tourism business permit is one of the mandatory requirements that must be possessed by tourism businesses. This tourism business permit is issued by the local government. With a tourism business permit, tourism businesses can operate legally and receive legal protection.

2. Tourism Safety Standards

Tourism safety standards are standards that must be met to ensure the safety and security of tourists. These tourism safety standards cover various aspects, such as building safety, equipment safety, transportation safety, and tourism activity safety.

3. Tourism Health Standards

Tourism health standards are standards that must be met to ensure the health of tourists. These tourism health standards cover various aspects, such as environmental cleanliness, food and beverage cleanliness, and the health of tourism workers.

4. Tourism Cleanliness Standards

Tourism cleanliness standards are standards that must be met to maintain the cleanliness of the tourism environment. These tourism cleanliness standards cover various aspects, such as the cleanliness of tourism facilities, the cleanliness of the surrounding environment, and air cleanliness.

5. Tourism Security Standards

Tourism security standards are standards that must be met to maintain the security of tourists. These tourism security standards cover various aspects, such as physical security, information security, and transaction security.

Fulfillment of mandatory tourism standards can provide various benefits for tourism businesses, including:

  1. Increased tourist confidence

  2. Improved service quality

  3. Increased competitiveness

  4. Increased revenue

Therefore, tourism businesses must commit to fulfilling these mandatory tourism standards. This will help to ensure that the tourism industry can develop and benefit society.

Benefits of Meeting Mandatory Tourism Standards

The benefits of meeting mandatory tourism standards can be felt by various parties, including tourism businesses, tourists, and the government.

For tourism businesses, the benefits of meeting mandatory tourism standards include:

Increased tourist confidence

Tourists will be more confident and feel safe when visiting a tourist destination that has met mandatory tourism standards. This can increase the number of tourists visiting the destination.

Improved service quality

Fulfillment of mandatory tourism standards will encourage tourism businesses to improve the quality of their services. This can increase tourist satisfaction and make them want to return.

Increased competitiveness

Fulfillment of mandatory tourism standards will increase the competitiveness of tourism businesses. This is because tourism businesses that have met mandatory tourism standards will be better prepared to face competition with other tourism businesses.

Increased revenue

Fulfillment of mandatory tourism standards can increase the revenue of tourism businesses. This is because the more tourists who visit and the more satisfied they are with the services provided, the greater the income they will receive.

For tourists, the benefits of meeting mandatory tourism standards include:

Increased safety and security

Mandatory tourism standards that cover safety and security aspects will guarantee the safety and security of tourists. This is important to provide a sense of safety and comfort to tourists when visiting a tourist destination.

Improved service quality

Mandatory tourism standards that cover service aspects will improve the quality of services provided to tourists. This is important to provide satisfaction to tourists so that they want to return.

For the government, the benefits of meeting mandatory tourism standards include:

Improved image of Indonesian tourism

Fulfillment of mandatory tourism standards will improve the image of Indonesian tourism in the eyes of the world. This is because tourists will feel satisfied with the services provided

in Indonesia.

Increased state revenue

State revenue from the tourism sector will increase along with the increasing number of tourists visiting Indonesia. This is because tourism businesses that have met mandatory tourism standards will be better prepared to face competition and increase their revenue.

The Indonesian government has established various mandatory tourism standards that must be met by tourism businesses. Meeting these standards is important to improve the quality of Indonesian tourism and provide benefits to various parties.


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